
Business Change

Business Change is about delivering the change your business needs in the most efficient and cost effective manner. Due to the high specificity of the Capital Markets Industry, projects require a high level of subject matter expertise and technical insights. By bringing its consulting and market expertise together, aYOfa can assist its customers with project management, process optimization and regulatory change management to deliver business and operational solutions to its customers.

Business Analysis

Whether it is reacting to regulatory change, an opportunity in the market or a review of existing business, aYOfa can help you with the research and the analysis you need to make informed decisions and to make sure that the required processes, procedures and risk controls are implemented.

Training / Education

Yonathan is active in the capital markets industry for almost 15 years. He witnessed the financial crisis in 2008 from the inside and contributed to multiple projects and transactions in the heat of the battle to survive. Although the crisis and the fact that capital markets are the hart and lungs of a bank's daily business, most people don't seem to realize the existence and importance of this industry. Yonathan is acting as a speaker explaining the importance of the capital markets industry towards the economy and providing the audience with a view on post trade processes, a world only known to insiders of the capital markets industry.